Coronary artery disease, or CAD, is the top cause of death among American adults. Characterized by plaque accumulation in blood vessels that feed the heart, CAD can lead to heart attack and other cardiac issues. Fortunately, besides medications, surgery, and other medical interventions, lifestyle Read More
Coronary artery disease treatment in Bradenton FL
Advancements in Coronary Artery Disease Treatment: Exploring Innovative Approaches to Heart Health
Coronary artery disease (CAD), or coronary heart disease, is the most prevalent cause of death among American men and women. Thankfully, some patients qualify for today’s innovative cardiac treatments through lifestyle changes, such as smoking cessation, lowering weight, cholesterol, and blood Read More
Early Detection of Artery Disease: What to Look For
Your arteries are the highly flexible blood vessels which transport oxygen-rich blood around your body. Sadly, they are prone to plaque accumulation, or atherosclerosis. This condition leads to a wide range of serious health issues, such as stroke and heart attacks. Here are the signs and symptoms Read More
Chest Pain: What You Need to Know
Chest pain is one of the major reasons people visit the doctor or go to the emergency room. In the United States, it accounts for more than 8 million visits every year. On a global scale, chest pain affects up to 40 percent of the general population. Potential Causes of Chest Pain Chest pain has Read More