For purposes of medical functions such as diagnoses and treatments, the respiratory system is divided into the lower and upper respiratory tracts – with the vocal cords essentially being the dividing point. An upper respiratory infection can therefore affect the nose, sinuses, and throat, whereas a Read More
Warning Signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition affecting the hand and wrist. It occurs when the median nerve, which is responsible for sending signals of sensations and muscle movement in your hand, becomes compressed and inflamed. When this happens, you may find it challenging to use and move your Read More
Preventing Heat Stroke during the Summer
While the summer season allows us to enjoy various outdoor activities, it is also the time of the year when we experience extreme heat—so much so that it puts us at risk of heat stroke. Its symptoms include a high body temperature (104 F), rapid breathing, flushed skin, vomiting, and altered mental Read More
Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency Most People Ignore
If your bones have been aching lately, you're feeling down in the dumps, are having sleeping problems, or experiencing acid reflux, you may think these are simply signs of aging. These symptoms on their own may not signal a major problem, but put them together and it could mean that you’re not Read More
Process of Repairing Rotator Cuff
The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint that work together to stabilize the joint and keep the upper head of the humerus in its socket. A rotator cuff injury happens when one or more of the components that make up the rotator cuff get damaged, making the Read More
Benefits of Getting a Colonoscopy
As we get older, it’s prudent to take care of our bodies by having certain screening tests performed at certain ages. If you are more susceptible to a type of cancer or health condition because it is in your family (parent, sibling, or child), then a screening for that health issue will likely be Read More
Heart Disease Runs in the Family; How to Avoid it
When certain illnesses or medical conditions run in the family, your risk of either being born with or developing that condition increases. While rare, conditions that are caused by genetic mutations require immediate medical attention and often necessitate lifelong monitoring by a cardiologist or Read More
Different Types of Vascular Surgery
Vascular surgery is an invasive treatment for conditions that affect the veins, arteries, and lymphatic vessels throughout the body. A vascular disorder can greatly reduce a patient’s quality of life and raise the possibility of life-threatening health events, such as stroke. Since vascular Read More
Are You Eating Enough?
When it comes to the American diet, the question usually is, “are you eating too much,” with the focus is on eating less, reducing calories and fat, and making healthy choices. But for a number of Americans, the question isn’t about eating too much, but rather, eating enough. The concern here isn’t Read More
10 Daily Habits You Didn’t Know Sabotage Your Health
We all know that smoking can be hazardous to your health. It’s printed right on a pack of cigarettes. We also know that if you eat too much junk food, you’re at risk of being overweight if not obese. But there are other habits you might not be aware of – even though you indulge in them every day – Read More